Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Initial sketches

As this is technically a capstone project, Jess and I feel compelled (and are excited) to apply our project themes to Stanford's environment.  We are in the beginning stages of planning what is starting to look like the historical ecology of Stanford and contemporary perspectives about the landscape that we inhabit.  To capture those elements, we are going to gather information from multiple sources: Stanford's archives, local experts on local ecology, and student experiences.

I've attached a sketch of what we are hoping to accomplish.  However you perceive this image... add live flowers that are native to Stanford, pictures of both the past and present environment, and transcribed interviews.  It's going to be awesome!! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fellow classmate, Jess Eastling, and I have decided to collaborate on the project.  We have very similar project ideas and think that by combining our ideas we can create something with a far greater potential.  So far, so good!!  Here is a look at our thought map... 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Met with my artistic mentor last week to talk about the project and left (as always) feeling inspired and motivated.  Continuing the exploration of humans and nature, give me your thoughts on thier relationship or each as seperate entities-- can humans and nature have a truly symbiotic relationship?